Sunday, September 14, 2014


I was reading someone's "nectar list" on Facebook and was blown away by the cool things she's done and accomplished and wanted to start a it's of my own.  Here's the link and concept:
We need to reflect on the good things that have come to us in our lives. Even if you don't feel like you've done anything huge with your life just yet, I guarantee you can find something to look back on and be proud of.
I sat there thinking that I haven't accomplished all that much and I wish I'd done more- like taking that pole dancing class in Orlando (for fitness reasons, of course!) or that I'd walked the Appalachian trail for just a day. As I was trying to come up with more fun accomplishments, I saw a post on Facebook  from my Aunt about September being childhood cancer awareness.  I then looked at pictures of my beautiful cousin who died from this awful disease just a few months ago. I saw her with ribbons from her equestrian accomplishments; goofing off and smiling with her sister, her mom, dad, and friends; her amazing nail art and mad cookie decorating skills; and a picture with an actual wolf!  She Lived every minute, impacting animals and people, and enjoying life.
And it hit me: it doesn't matter what you do, what's "nectar list" material: it's that you LIVE. Every single day.  It's removing the obstacles that may keep you down and from being 100% authentic and true to yourself such as toxic people.
So, here is my nectar list so far.  I  look forward to adding to this list.

I had to say hello & goodbye in the same breath to the most perfect baby boy and lived through it.
I was paid $20 to be a marriage witness on a boat under the Mackinac bridge for a couple I didn't know.
I won $5000 in a radio contest.
I lived and worked on Mackinac island for two summers.
I spent my entire HS graduation ceremony flirting with the guy in front of me.  We went out that
night and dated for a few months.
I snorted while laughing so many times in a movie that people stopped watching and started trying to figure out who it was.
I signed a strangers birthday card with "love, Veronica"
I got stuck in a paddle boat under a bridge in Toronto.  I had to climb in the water to get us un-stuck.
I cut down two 30+foot pine trees with a chainsaw by myself.
I proved the old wives tale true: spicy food DOES induce labor.  My OB told me I had another two weeks, atleast.  I went out for spicy food that night and was holding my daughter less than 24 hours later!

The lesson I'm putting into practice is to LIVE fully. My aunt put it beautifully and I think we should all strive to live as my cousin did.
 She was an amazing person who had goals, took risks and had fun!