Friday, December 7, 2012

Echos through rafters

Tonight as I pulled all of our crap out of the car to enter the mall (my purse, the juice cup, the water cup), I start hearing my daughter yelling. LOUDLY. I admit that she has my lack of balance and volume control. But then I realized that as my husband was carrying her into the mall in the parking garage, they were yelling ECHO! I love that simple things are entertaining to her.
Speaking of the mall, being loud, and echos....
I had to use the bathroom at the mall bookstore. I took my daughter with me and as usual, she asked "what" I was doing.  I told her and then reminded her that its not polite to talk about.  She looked at me very seriously, and in a whisper, (so quiet that I didn't understand till it was too late) "I'll just tell my echo." MOMMY'S GOING POOPOO!" Yup. She did.
My whole recreating myself isn't going all that well. I SUCK at working out. I have no will power. None. I have a gym membership and work out videos but I lack serious motivation.  I'd like to say ill do better in 2013, but as I just said, I lack will power. Maybe some new makeup,another cool pair of boots and an eye brow wax will be a good way to recreate myself...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Mountain vs volcano

I woke up with this analogy in my head... At 5:30 am! I've had a lot of talks lately with the people in my life and I realized something; you're either A volcano or a mountain. Stay with me... This made a lot of sense so early in the morning.

Mountains are beautiful. A place where people find solace, rest, relaxation. Who doesn't love mountains? Even just looking at them brings peace. Volcanoes, on the other hand, look nice, but they're explosive, leaving a mess and wreckage in their path.

I think we've all been volcanoes in our lifetime, hurting people in our path. I know I have and for that I am sorry. BUT it's up to us to realize the pain we've caused, apologize and become a person that others trust, can depend on.

Are you a mountain? Or are you a volcano?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Living and learning

I think it's easy to loose yourself in the busyness of life.
I decided to create this blog as a way to help me put my thoughts in words and to figure out what I'm all about.
Tonight, I dyed my hair a red wine color. epic fail is the only way to describe it!
I wanted to be wild so I got a punky color. It was really red.... As I washed it out, it made the bathtub look like There was serious bloodshed. It was bad. Really bad. I will be buying a giant bottle of bleach for the walls, shower curtain,and tub tomorrow! I won't be dying my hair again soon... Unless it was outside so I could just hose it off into the grass :)
I colored my nails today too. My toes were planned. My finger nails were to cover uo the hair dye.
So recreating myself has been a bit of a blunder today... But that's okay! We live and we learn!